About Us

Last Updated: 2024-03-20

Our Story

5KM Software Tech, inspired by the Chinese proverb "行百里者半九十" (Going ninety li is only halfway of a hundred-li journey), is a studio focused on crafting efficiency tools for the last ten li (5 kilometers). We believe the distance between excellence and perfection lies in these final kilometers.

With minimalist hearts and craftsman spirits, we continuously create efficient and comfortable software products.

Our Mission

We are dedicated to creating small yet beautiful efficiency tools, crafting every detail with artisan spirit. We believe excellent tools should be:

  • Minimal: Simplifying complexity for effortless use
  • Efficient: Enhancing productivity and saving valuable time
  • Comfortable: Bringing joy through thoughtful details

Our Philosophy

  • Small yet Beautiful: Pursuing refinement over comprehensiveness
  • Steady Growth: Maintaining rhythm like a marathon runner
  • User-Centric: Polishing every detail through real experiences
  • Open Sharing: Growing together with independent developers

Contact Us

On the path to excellence, the final stretch reveals one's true dedication. We will maintain this commitment, creating value for users through products that are minimal, efficient, and comfortable.

Email: [email protected]